Humanity vampire the masquerade
Humanity vampire the masquerade

The Blessed/Holy armor is for humans only, and has a Faith requirement (the Faith bar is replaced by the Frenzy bar when humans are embraced) The amount of Humanity Christof has at the end of the game determines which of three End sequences the player sees.Ī low Humanity of 20 is required to wear Unholy Armor, and to use the Hands of Destruction Tome, Humanity can be no more than 50. In the multiplayer game, humanity was one of the great hazards of inviting strangers into your game simply being in the same zone as another player that killed a human was enough for a humanity loss. Killing any humans loses five points of humanity whichever one of Christof's entourage makes the killing blow gets the loss. This gives the player more opportunities to recover from a bad choice (as well as more chances to lose humanity that is gained), for a total of eleven choices throughout the game.

humanity vampire the masquerade

There are only two paired sets of choices, where choosing one way gains points and the other loses. There are a total of ninety points to be lost through incorrect choices, seven which lose 10 points, and one which loses 20.

humanity vampire the masquerade

There are a total of 50 possible humanity points to be gained in the game 10 each for five correct choices. Humanity is shown on the ingame 'character sheet' as a green bar below the Health (HP) and other bars Christof's Humanity begins at 60. Conversely, killing mortals by draining them dry (or in the case of low Feed levels, too close to dry) removes Humanity points. Choosing wisely restores Christof's humanity in a way reminiscent of the Call of Cthulhu system of Sanity. Most of the vampires in the tale, other than Wilhem Streicher, do little to disabuse him of his only the human Kabbalist, Mendel, believes that "all life is from God, every man, animal and creature.even Vampires such as thee"Ĭhristof sets himself the goal of redemption, and this is manifested in the game in choices that the player must make, mostly dialogue but sometimes actions. As the name implies, in Redemption, he struggles to not only rectify what he initially sees as a curse, but vindicate his cursed state. I am a vampire." Ĭhristof believes that he has not only been dealt a cruel blow, but that he is is now unworthy in God's eyes. I am now outcast of Heaven, and not even a man. I was a man of God and a soldier in Heaven's cause.

Humanity vampire the masquerade